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Friday, February 24, 2012

How to Use Public Computers Safely

When you use a public computer, you should clean up traces of your activity before leaving. You don't want the next user to recover your email conversations or passwords.

On your own personal computer, you're free to install whatever security software you feel necessary. You'll surely want a firewall to block hack attacks and an antivirus app to keep out malware. You may add a spam filter to protect your Inbox, or a security suite that wraps comprehensive protection in handy package. Your computer isn't accessible to random passers-by, so you may not be so worried about activity traces like browsing history.

Using a public computer at an Internet café, library, school, or even a friend's house is quite a different situation. First, you have no guaranteed that the computer is protected; it might be riddled with viruses or afflicted with a keylogger. Second, unless you're careful the next user might learn a lot more than you'd like about your online session.

Built-in Safe Browsing
For your convenience, the browser keeps a history of sites you've visited, stores cookies that retain personal settings for sites, and caches files for faster loading of sites you visited before. That's fine at home, but when you're using a public computer you don't want the browser storing all that information.

Fortunately most modern browsers can run in a mode that suppresses information-gathering and protects your privacy. You can right-click the Internet Explorer icon and choose "Start InPrivate Browsing," or right-click on the Firefox icon and choose "Enter private browsing." For either Firefox or IE, pressing Ctrl+Shift+P during a normal browsing session switches to private browsing. In Chrome, the private browsing mode is called "Incognito mode," and pressing Ctrl+Shift+N opens an Incognito mode window.

One more thing; be sure to shut down the browser when you're done. Even private browsing doesn't disable the Back button. You don't want the next user backing into your Facebook session or Web-based email account.

I Forgot! Now What?
Of course, there's every possibility you'll sit down to a public computer, check your bank balance, send a few emails… and only later remember that you should have opted for privacy. Fear not; erasing your activity is simple. In Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer you simply press Ctrl+Shift+Del to call up the dialog for deleting your history. The details vary, but you'll want to make sure you've selected all of the options for deletion. Chrome and Firefox let you specify how far back the cleansing should go. Do other users a favor and have it clear all history, not just the last hour.

Cloak and Dagger
It's conceivable that the computer you're using might be seriously compromised security-wise. For example, a stealthed keylogger application could capture all passwords typed on the system. A hardware keylogger could do the same, with no possibility of detection by security software.

Your best bet is to simply refrain from sensitive transactions on a public computer. If you absolutely must log in to an important secure site on a suspect computer, here's one way to make password theft difficult: bring up a page with lots of text in the browser and copy/paste characters from that page into the password dialog. This "ransom note" style is decidedly tedious, but even a spy program that captures periodic screenshots probably won't snap all parts of your password.

Secure Your Connection
A shady Internet café operator could possibly make some money on the side by siphoning passwords out of data packets passing through the wireless network. The guy at the next table might be intercepting your connection using Firesheep or a similar tool. If you really must engage in sensitive communication, you need to secure the connection.

One way to do that is through a VPN (Virtual Private Network), which routes your surfing through a secure connection. PCMag has rounded up a number of free VPN clients. The problem here is that you probably don't have permission to install them on the public computer. However, VPN protection is definitely worthwhile if you've connected your own laptop to an iffy hotspot.

Go Naked
When government representatives and business executives visit China or Russia, they go "electronically naked." They leave all personal or company phones and laptops behind, using a new, blank loaner phone or laptop if necessary. It's an extreme step, but if you're not carrying any sensitive information there's nothing for a hacker to steal.

As you can see, there's a whole range of precautions you might take to keep an Internet café session from turning into an identity theft nightmare. If you're forced to use public computers for sensitive communication, consider using ransom-note passwords and possibly a VPN. Don't engage in any sensitive communication that you could just as well do from your home or office.

But even if you're doing nothing more than checking Facebook and emailing your dear auntie, do take the minimal precautions. Invoke the browser's privacy mode, or clear browsing data if you forgot. Doing so just takes a second and can save hours of aggravation.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Download Freemake Video Converter 2.4.0

Freemake menawarkan program gratis untuk mengkonversi video - dikembangkan sebagai alternatif untuk perangkat lunak berbayar. "Gratis, mudah dan berkualitas tinggi" adalah prinsip-prinsip fundamental dari Freemake. Sebelum menginstall Freemake Video Converter anda harus terlebih dahulu menginstall Net Framework.

Freemake offers free program for video converting - developed as alternative to popular paid software. “Free, easy and of high quality” are the fundamental principles of Freemake.

Convert video free to AVI, MP4, WMV, MKV, SWF, 3GP, DVD, MPEG, MP3, iPod, iPhone, PSP, Android, rip & burn DVD, convert online videos directly from 40+ sites, burn Blu-ray, and upload to YouTube!

To download Freemeke Video Converter 2.4.0 please click here.

Before installing Free Video Converter you should install Net Framework first. To download Net Framework please click here.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Seni Memberitahu

Suatu saat saya makan bakwan di salah satu kedai bakwan ternama di kota saya. Pada saat akan menyantap bakwan, saya mendengar konsumen di sebelah meja saya komplain sambil mengatakan: "Ini bakwan kemarin yang digoreng kembali ya? Bakwannya keras dan asin" Sipemilik kedai bakwan mengiyakan. Si konsumen berkata: "kalau begitu saya tidak jadi saja" sambil ngeloyor pergi bersama teman lelakinya meninggalkan kedai bakwan dan bakwan yang telah disantapnya.Saya lantas mendengar sipemilik kedai mengoceh dengan karyawannya sambil berkata:"Dasar orang kaya. Kalau di tempat lain lebih lagi, bakwan kemarin malah tidak dipanaskan, dimakan orang juga. Kemarin pelanggan sedikit, tidak mungkin kita membeli bahan yang baru lagi" Demikian sipemilik membela diri dan mencari pembenaran.

Saya penasaran, lantas menyantap bakwan yang ada dihadapan saya. Ternyata memang keras dan rasanya asin. Saya terus menyantap bakwan tersebut dengan mengambil bagian tengahnya saja dan menyisihkan bagian tepinya yang memang keras.Setelah selesai menyantap bakwan, saya pergi ke kasir dan membayar apa yang telah saya santap. Terdorong dari dalam hati saya untuk mengatakan: "Mbak, bakwannya memang keras dan asin. Untung saya tidak pemarah seperti wanita tadi". Si pemilik menjawab: kalau begitu, maaf pak". Saya lantas pergi meninggalkan kedai tersebut.

Ada hal yang dapat saya pelajari, bahwa jika kita ingin memberitahu sesuatu tidak boleh dengan cara marah-marah. Jika kita memberitahu sesuatu dengan cara marah-marah, orang yang kita beritahu akan cenderung membela diri dan mencari pembenaran atas tindakannya. Akan tetapi jika kita memberitahu dengan cara yang baik, maka orang tersebut akan menyadari kesalahannya dan mudah-mudahan akan memperbaikinya pada masa yang akan datang" Demikian dari saya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Download ZoneAlarm Free

ZoneAlarm Firewall Gratis mencegah infiltrasi hacker terhadap PC Anda dengan menyembunyikan komputer Anda dari lalu lintas jaringan yang tidak diinginkan. Dengan mendeteksi dan mencegah intrusi, ZoneAlarm Firewall Gratis menjaga PC Anda bebas dari virus yang memperlambat kinerja, dan spyware yang mencuri informasi pribadi Anda, password, dan data keuangan.

ZoneAlarm Free Firewall blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data.

To download please click here or this post title or visit

Monday, July 18, 2011

Download Free Comodo Internet Security

Comodo Internet Security provides FREE complete protection against viruses and Internet attacks for Windows computers.Internet Security Includes:

* Antivirus: Tracks down and destroy any existing malware hiding in a PC.
* Anti-Spyware: Detects spyware threats and destroys each infection.
* Anti-Rootkit: Scans, detects & removes rootkits on your computer.
* Bot Protection: Prevents malicious software turning your PC into a zombie.
* Defense+: Protects critical system files and blocks malware before it installs.
* Auto Sandbox Technology™: Runs unknown files in an isolated environment where they can cause no damage.
* Memory Firewall: Cutting-edge protection against sophisticated buffer overflow attacks.
* Anti-Malware Kills malicious processes before they can do harm.

To download please click this post title or visit, wait till countdown finish, and click "skip ad".

Friday, July 1, 2011

Download Free Orbit Downloader 4.1.2

Orbit Downloader is a download manager specifically designed for the new generation Web (Web 2.0). You can use Orbit to download video/music/files from Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, and Rapidshare, or on any site to make general downloading easier and faster. And the best part is, it's FREE.To download click this post title or visit, wait till countdown finish, and click "skip ad".

Bahasa Indonesia
Orbit Downloader adalah download manager yang khusus dirancang untuk generasi baru Web (Web 2.0). Anda dapat menggunakan Orbit untuk men-download video / musik / file dari Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, dan Rapidshare, atau di situs manapun untuk membuat download lebih mudah dan lebih cepat. Dan yang paling penting adalah software ini GRATIS.

Untuk mendownload klik judul post ini atau kunjung, tungggu hingga hitung mundur selesai, dan klik "skip ad".

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Download ZoneAlarm Free

ZoneAlarm Free Firewall is one of my favorite free firewall. It blocks hackers from infiltrating your home PC by hiding your computer from unsolicited network traffic. By detecting and preventing intrusions, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall keeps your PC free from viruses that slow down performance, and spyware that steals your personal information, passwords, and financial data.

* Light essential firewall protection
* Be invisible to others online
* Systematically identifies hackers and blocks access attempts

Click this post title to download ZoneAlarm Free or visit, wait till countdown finish, and click "skip ad".

Bahasa Indonesia
ZoneAlarm Free Firewall adalah salah satu firewall gratis favorit saya. Firewall ini memblok hacker dari mengininfiltrasi PC Anda dengan menyembunyikan komputer anda dari lalu lintas jaringan yang tidak diinginkan. Dengan mendeteksi dan mencegah intrusi, ZoneAlarm Free Firewall menjaga PC Anda bebas dari virus yang memperlambat kinerja, dan spyware yang mencuri informasi pribadi Anda, password, dan data keuangan.

* Firewall ringan yang memberikan perlindungan mendasar
* Tidak terlihat secara online oleh pihak yang tidak diinginkan
* Sistematis mengidentifikasi hacker dan memblok akses mereka

Klik judul posting ini untuk men-download ZoneAlarm Free atau kunjungi, tunggu sampai hitung mundur selesai, dan klik "skip ad".