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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Download Dropbox 1.1.35

Dropbox adalah penyimpanan file online favorite saya. Dengan dropbox anda dapat menyimpan file penting anda secara online dan aman. Keunggulannya dibanding penyimpanan online lainnya adalah anda dapat membuka dan mengedit file anda tanpa harus terhubung dengan internet. Hasil editannya akan tersinkronisasi secara otomatis pada saat komputer anda terhubung dengan internet.

Dropbox is the easiest way to store, sync and share files online.

File Sync

* 2GB of online storage for free, with up to 100GB available to paying customers.
* Sync files of any size or type.
* Sync Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
* Automatically syncs when new files or changes are detected.

File Sharing

* Shared folders allow several people to collaborate on a set of files.
* You can see other people's changes instantly.

Online Backup

* Automatic backup of your files.
* Undelete files and folders.

Click this post title to download or visit, wait till "countdown" finish, and click "skip ad",

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